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New Beauty Obsession Alert! Aesop Hand Cream!

Hey Y'all!

I hope you are all well and in good spirits! As for me, the past couple of weeks have been challenging to say the least. Deadlines, battling the elements, gigs, etc. Max and I both got sick which does not happen often but we are both doing much better. I must say that getting a humidifier has been really helpful with battling dry air!

Speaking of dry, I wanted to share with you my latest beauty obsession! Aesop Resurrection Aromatique Hand Balm!


This stuff is AMAZING! I must thank my girl Adri Cakes because she put me on to this line. I was in SOHO last month and I was walking past the boutique and went in because my hands were dry at the moment. The smell is an earthly delight. Strong at first but after a couple of minutes it fades away. This balm dries and is not greasy. It's really perfect. This is the only product from this line that I have tried because I usually use Kiehl's but I am interested to try more products.

And yes I am wearing monkey pants pajamas while I watch a little TV!

Stay tuned for the next post-I'm going to dehydrate some snacks!

I must apologize for the gap in posts, I will definitely post once a week. Thanks for staying with me! Hope you all have a great week!

Peace & Love,


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