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Transition to Vegan-Week 2/Eating Healthy in NYC-Expensive or Not?

Hey Y'all! I am back with a report on how my transition back to eating vegan is going. I am happy to report that it is going much better than last week! The only thing I have left in the house is this huge coffee mate creamer. I don't want to waste it. It has caseinate (a milk derivative) in it.


That's it! I feel good! Been drinking my green juice this week. I find that I have really been liking the straight up green juice. No apple or lemon or anything. It is not the best tasting but as I am drinking it I know it's going into my body and doing some repairs and productive work. Been keeping up with my daily water intake as well.

Speaking of being productive-domestically this week has been super productive! Got a new bed, did a deep clean of our apartment, got Leon and Sunny a new cat tree and Max (my hubby) and I made a journey to Whole Foods in Brooklyn to do our food shopping (when it was 20 degrees F and windy-YIKES!!!) We usually go to Trader Joe's, but this week it ended up being Whole Foods.

A lot of people think it is expensive to eat healthy in NYC. It's not! I get this question all of the time: "How do you eat healthy in New York? It's impossible!" I strongly disagree. It is a matter of doing a little homework, trial and error and having an open mind. I live in Brooklyn and I go food shopping at Trader Joe's on Court ST and Atlantic Ave and also I make a stop on the way back at Perelandra on Remsen St. Whatever I can't get at Trader Joe's is definitely at Perelandra. They even have a juice bar and small takeout food counter that's really good! Sometimes if I don't feel like cooking after I get home with groceries I'll just get something from the food counter. I know-I just went food shopping but it's tiring carrying 5 bags full of food and liquids on the train!

It was a lot of shopping at different produce places near me and comparing what I would spend for the same food in a week at each place versus the time I would spend getting it. I also took into account the quality of the food and the variety. Organic produce is a little more expensive than conventional but in the long run what matters is the quality of fuel you are putting in your body. Trader Joe's organic produce is a happy medium. A little more money than conventional but I'm not kicking myself at the register. I'm sorry to say that for me Whole Foods is too expensive and the journey getting there and back was a pain. There was no line to check out though. If you get to Trader Joe's early enough there isn't a line and all of the food is stocked. Usually there is not a wait at Perelandra at all.

I used to live near this amazing fresh produce stand called "Three Guys From Brooklyn" on Ft Hamilton Pkwy and 65th ST in Brooklyn. Most of the food is not organic but back then when I first became a vegetarian I was not eating organic. I was just looking for fresh produce! It is open 24/7 and was an avenue from my apartment. I could get food that was fresh and very inexpensive any time I wanted. I definitely think it made my transition from carnivore to vegetarian a breeze. I'm mentioning Three Guys because during this past summer I wanted to see how much of a difference in cost there was eating organic versus conventional. One week I did my usual shoppping run at Trader Joes and Perelandra buying organic. The next week I did my food shopping at Three Guys and whatever I didn't find there I went to Westerly Natural Market because I ended up in the area. Time versus money I felt like I put forth more of an effort in week two and the produce was conventional and I shopped in two different boroughs that week for food! I felt like I spent more money in week two after it was all said and done!

My advice for those of you that want to eat healthy/organic is just shop around your neighborhood and see what works best for you. Take your time and don't set any expectations. Chill with the processed foods. It will make a difference in your health and your wallet. Write to me if you have any questions. I am not a doctor but maybe I could help with a suggestion. I always say, "If you want to get somewhere, you'll get there". I mean that about life in general. You'll make a way.

Peace & Love,


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